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Brussels, 12 September 2008 




from :	General Secretariat

to :	Article 36 Committee/COREPER/Council

Subject :	Cepol Annual Report for the year 2007

Delegations will find in Annex the CEPOL Annual Report for the year



Decision 10/2008/GB

of the Governing Board of the european police college

ADOPTIng the annual report 2007

Adopted by the Governing Board

on 20 May 2008


Having regard to Council Decision 2005/681/JHA of 20 September 2005
establishing the European Police College (CEPOL) (), and in particular
Article 10(9)(e) thereof;

HAS ADOPTED the annual report for the year 2007 as detailed in the

Done at Bled, 20 May 2008

For the Governing Board

Nevenka Tomovič

Chair of the Governing Board


European Police College

Annual Report 2007



Ulf Göransson, Director	8

Klaus Neidhardt, Chair of the Governing Board January - June 2007	10

Carla Falua, Chair of the Governing Board July –December 2007	11


Courses and Seminars	12

Participants	12

Experts, Trainers and Lecturers	12

Evaluation Report	13

Common Curricula	14

Development	14

Common Curricula Seminars	14

Translations of Common Curricula	15

Research and Science	17


2007 CEPOL European Police Research and Science Conference	17

Survey on European Police Education Systems	17

CEPOL-eDoc and Network of National Correspondents	17

The Use of Police Science and Research within 

Police Training/Education	17


CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme	18


Euromed Police II Project	18


New Website	20

Electronic Platform	20

Newsletters and News Releases	20

Index of Glossaries	20


Budget	21

Accounting	21

Audits	21

Internal Control Standards	21

Agreements with Organisers	21

Recruitment and Staffing	21

Tenders and Contracts	22


Governing Board	23

Strategy Committee	23

External Relations Working Group	24

Budget and Administration Committee	24

Project Group ‘Administration of Travel Reimbursement

for Participants of CEPOL Activities’	25

Annual Programme Committee	25


Training and Research Committee	26

Electronic Network Working Group	27

E-learning Sub-group and Project Group on e-Learning	27

Electronic Platform Sub-group	27

Working Group on Learning	27

Sub-group I	28

Sub-group II	28

Sub-group III	28

Research and Science Working Group	28

Common Curricula Coordination Working Group	28

Common Curricula Sub-groups25	29

Annex 1	30

Governing Board Decisions 2007

Annex 2	32

Courses and Seminars Delivered in 2007

Annex 3	44

Postponed Activities

Cancelled Activities

Annex 4	45

Course Participation by Country

Annex 5	46

Trainer Contribution by Country

Annex 6	47

2007 Meetings of Governing Board, Committees, Working Groups and 

Project Groups17



Ulf Göransson, Director

I am pleased to present the European Police College (CEPOL) Annual
Report 2007, the second Annual Report since CEPOL began operating as an
agency of the European Union (EU) on 1 January 2006. 

In 2007, CEPOL organised 85 courses and seminars – an increase of 23
activities compared to 2006. More than 1900 senior police officers
attended a CEPOL activity – a significant increase of almost 600
participants compared to 2006. Of the available seats, 72% were used.
The average attendance per activity was 23 participants.

More than 700 experts, lecturers and trainers contributed to CEPOL
activities. A vast majority of the experts, lecturer and trainers are
senior police officers who, together with the participants, form a
competent and experienced network for future police cooperation.

The general satisfaction with the CEPOL courses and seminars was high.
The global average was 4.3 out of five. Trainers and relevance were
rated highest, at 4.4.

During the establishment of the new agency, CEPOL faced a number of
challenges. These were mainly due to the fact that the implementation of
the ordinary programme for 2006 and 2007 ran at the same time as new
financial rules and regulations were implemented, recruitment of staff
carried out and new administrative and financial systems put in place. 

The demand on CEPOL with regard to the implementation of the EU
Financial and Staff Regulations was high. Much progress was made in this
area, but there are still further changes and improvements to be made
until CEPOL is operating seamlessly in all areas.

With the limited number of staff at the Secretariat, 15 in December
2005, 18 in December 2006 and 28 in December 2007 – including eight
staff members for the CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme and the Euromed
Police II project - it has been a challenging time for CEPOL.

CEPOL is not a police college in the physical sense and operates as a
network with the activities – courses, seminars, conferences and
meetings - implemented in and by member states, mainly by the national
senior police training colleges. 

Without hard work of the CEPOL Secretariat staff and the support and
involvement of member states, the transfer from ’old’ to ’new’
CEPOL would not have been possible. 

Member states have been committed in developing, organising and
implementing the majority of all CEPOL activities by using their own
staff resources without any costs to CEPOL. CEPOL Secretariat has
provided the network with administrative, budgetary and logistical

In 2007 the network increased to 27 member states when Bulgaria and
Romania joined the EU, bringing with it an increase in administration
and organisation to ensure all members were represented in key groups. 

The cooperation with Iceland, Norway and Switzerland who host and
support CEPOL activities – brings the number of countries where CEPOL
activities take place to 30.

The agency began formalising cooperation with key institutions. A
Cooperation Agreement with Europol was signed in October 2007 and CEPOL
continues to work on furthering agreements with Eurojust, Frontex,
Interpol and OLAF.

In 2007, CEPOL initiated cooperation with countries outside the EU. A
first meeting with Russia took place in MĂŒnster in June 2007 with the
aim to sign a future cooperation agreement.

The CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme completed the first and second
exchange periods. Feedback from senior police officers and training
staff taking part in the exchanges has been positive. 

The Euromed Police II project began in July 2007 and its first
activities were organised between October and December 2007. 

Other key achievements include the activities regarding Research and
Science and the development of the Common Curricula, which will help
harmonise the training on key topics throughout the member states.

A contract to develop a new electronic platform was signed in order to
bring the existing different web-based systems under one roof. A new
website was launched with updated design, layout and functionalities. By
the second half of 2008, the new electronic platform will be fully

A new evaluation system was developed to be implemented in 2008, in
order to follow the requested Kirkpatrick evaluation model.

For CEPOL Secretariat staff, 2007 has been a challenging year. A lot of
work, engagement and commitment has gone into supporting the CEPOL
network, the police cooperation and police training throughout Europe.  

For all this I am grateful and I look forward to building on the results
achieved in 2007 in the years to come.


Klaus Neidhardt, Germany

Chair of the Governing Board January - June 2007

Under the German Presidency CEPOL became more accustomed to its role as
a European Union agency and the recruitment of new staff members at the
Secretariat helped the network function more efficiently. Two additional
tasks, the CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme and the Euromed Police II
project, were taken onboard. 

Priorities of the Council, the Chiefs of Police Task Force, Europol and
other relevant institutions were taken into consideration. As a result,
sixteen seminars will be offered in 2008 to enhance knowledge of
institutions built to support police cooperation. 

A first meeting with Russia took place at the German Police University
in MĂŒnster in June 2007. 

Three new Common Curricula topics were highlighted for development:
Civilian Crisis Management; Drug Trafficking; and Management of
Diversity. Module Advisors and Educational Experts were proposed to
assist the network to implement the Common Curricula.

The CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme, a framework programme financed by
European Commission, got underway with the first Annual Initial
Conference taking place in Cyprus on 21-23 March 2007. Seventy-five
Exchangees and Tutors from 20 countries met for the first time to
discuss logistics, content and the specific details of their exchanges. 

The programme aims to help improve cross-border police cooperation and
understanding of different police cultures across Europe. Open to Senior
Police Officers and Police Tutors in Europe, it also aims to provide
individuals with an opportunity to meet colleagues and get to know
working methods in other countries. 

The Bologna Process was followed closely by the Training and Research
Committee in order to harmonise police training and education in Europe.

A permanent Research and Science Working Group was established to
enlarge knowledge of European police-related research. The temporary
Project Group on European Approach to Police Science concluded their
work in April 2007.

The 2007 CEPOL European Police Research and Science Conference took
place in September 2007 at the German Police University in MĂŒnster. The
main objective of the conference was to open and widen the debate about
a European Approach to Police Science, as well as find ways to develop a
common strategy for the future. Seventy-seven participants from 23
countries attended the conference.

Carla Falua, Portugal

Chair of the Governing Board July –December 2007 

During the second half of 2007, Portugal continued to build on the work
of the German Presidency.

The Cooperation Agreement with Europol was concluded and signed on 19
October 2007. The agreement enhances the cooperation between Europol and
CEPOL by strengthening the training of senior police officers. Under the
agreement, a Common Curriculum "Europol" will be updated on a yearly
basis. CEPOL will be responsible for the administration and learning
methodology, while Europol experts will be invited in the implementation
courses, i.e. training of trainers, and assisting to assist in the
development and implementation of Common Curricula. 

Three key conferences that took place under the Portuguese Presidency,
including the future-oriented conference ‘Visions for Europe: Crime,
Policing and Justice in the 21st Century’ which took place in June,
the Annual Programme Conference which took place in September and the
Network Conference which took place in October. 

The Visions for Europe conference, hosted by Portugal, attracted 90
participants from 26 countries, including Switzerland, Jordan, Angola,
Brazil and Macau. The main topics included: civil justice, rights and
citizenship; migration and immigration policy; challenges for public
order; and new technologies.

The development contract for the new CEPOL Electronic Network was signed
with JAM Sistemi, Italy. The new electronic network which will bring all
the existing systems of CEPOL (CEPOL-eDoc, Electronic Platform Learning
Net incorporating a Discussion, Knowledge and Study Net and the website)
together under one roof and allow users access to all systems via a
single sign-on facility. 

The Euromed Police II project started in July 2007. Funded by the
Commission at €5m, the project will run for a period of three years.
The project aims to strengthen international police cooperation in the
framework of Justice and Home Affairs. The global programme is one of
cooperation between the European Union and the MEDA countries - Algeria,
Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority,
Syria and Tunisia.

The fields covered by the project consist of the major forms of
organised crime such as terrorism, drug trafficking, trafficking in
human beings, in weapons, in nuclear, bacteriological and chemical
substances, financial and cyber-crime.



Courses and Seminars

The courses and seminars delivered in 2007 covered a wide-range of
topics and were in accordance with the EU Council priorities in the
Council Decision 2005/681/JHA of 20 September 2005 establishing the
European Police College (CEPOL). 

A total of 85 courses and seminars were organised by 28 member states
and associated countries, an increase of 23 compared to 2006. Eleven
courses and seminars were postponed until 2008. Three were cancelled.

The 27 members states and the three associated countries have organised
at least one or more CEPOL activities.

A number of new activities took place including the CEPOL/Agis Exchange
Programme, the development of three new Common Curricula, a seminar
regarding Joint Investigation Teams, two seminars regarding ’Future
Criminal Trends’, a Forensic Science seminar and activities related to
the OCTA Report. 

	2003	2004	2005	2006	2007

Number of implemented activities	40	47	56	62	85

Number activities postponed until the following year	3	2	0	2	11

Number of cancelled activities	2	0	9	6	3


The actual number of participants attending a CEPOL activity was 1912,
out of a potential of approximately 2600 (Annex 4). Average attendance
was 23 participants per activity (22 in 2006). Of the available places,
71% were used. 

	2003	2004	2005	2006	2007

Number of participants 	871	1,038	1,087	1,368	1,922

In 30% of the activities, more than two-thirds of the member states
attended. On average, 15 member states attended an activity in 2007. 

In approximately 20% of the activities, three or more participants
attended from the same member state, mostly coming from the hosting

Experts, Trainers and Lecturers

A total of 762 experts, trainers and lecturers contributed to CEPOL
activities with an average of nine trainers on each activity (based on
information from 84 of the 85 organised courses and seminars). 


More than 50% of the experts, trainers and lecturers (425) came from the
host countries, with an average of five per course from host countries.

Eight countries sent more than 25 trainers: Portugal (73), France (61),
Germany (60), Italy (53), United Kingdom (40), Spain (39), the
Netherlands (34) and Austria (31).

The statistics indicate that some member states are still limited in
supporting and implementing CEPOL activities. 

Five countries sent less than ten trainers to the 85 activities. 

Other EU and international organisations also contributed with experts
and trainers. Europol contributed the most, with 39 trainers. Trainers
from OLAF, the Chiefs of Police Task Force, Eurojust, Interpol, European
Commission and the Council of the European Union also contributed. 

Evaluation Report

The general satisfaction of the CEPOL courses and seminars is high. 

Overall, the results were:

Trainers were rated highest at 4.38

Course relevance was rated second highest at 4.35

General satisfaction was rated at 4.28

Course material were rated at 4.25

Training methods were rated at 4.20

New knowledge was rated lowest at 4.10

The general satisfaction global average was: 4.28 (lowest 3.1/highest

Overall, the activities were assessed as informative, providing new
perspectives and challenging old ways of thinking on topics dealt with.
Participants generally found the knowledge gained useful and applicable
to their daily work. 

Most noted and appreciated by participants were the high levels of
organisation, good atmosphere created that facilitated interaction
between participants and enhanced the learning process, and the sharing
of experiences that provided insight and knowledge of the different
police systems and good practice.  

Experts, Trainers and Lecturers contributing to CEPOL activities were
highly rated by participants and were described as being highly
professional, competent and knowledgeable. 



The Work Programme 2007 foresaw the development of new Common Curricula
on specific topics. Colleges were also asked to investigate the
possibilities or to continue their efforts for implementation of the new
Common Curricula within their national police training systems. CEPOL
supports this process by means of ’Train the Trainers’ seminars. 


The work on three “old” Common Curriculum (Domestic Violence, Money
Laundering and Trafficking in Human Beings) continued, and for each
Common Curriculum a draft was finalised. 

The Common Curriculum on Counter Terrorism, which was partly developed
in 2005, was revised in order to ensure it reflected the European

Three new topics were selected by the Annual Programme Committee and
confirmed by the Training and Research Committee: Civilian Crisis
Management, Drug Trafficking and Management of Diversity. 

Experts for the Common Curricula Sub-groups were nominated and selected.
In December the Chairs of the new sub-groups met.

Candidates for Module Advisors, who will be in charge of the updating
and facilitating of national implementation, were nominated and approved
by the Governing Board.

Educational Experts to be tasked with writing guides for students and
trainers, were proposed by the member states and nominated by the
Director. The Educational Experts met for the first time in December
2007 together with the newly appointed Module Advisors. 

Common Curricula Seminars

The following seminars were dedicated to the Common Curricula and
utilised to update them: 

Course Reference	Topic	Common Curricula Reference	Countries Involved
(organiser = bold)

21/2007 (Postponed until 2008)	Trafficking of Human Beings & Illegal
Immigration	CC06/C	Sweden, Austria, Hungary, Lithuania and Spain

25a/2007	Domestic Violence - International Aspects & Experience - Step 1
CC06/A	Malta, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal

25b/2007	Domestic Violence - International Aspects & Experience - Step 2
CC06/A	Slovenia, Czech Republic, Germany, Malta, Portugal


Course Reference	Topic	Common Curricula Reference	Countries Involved
(organiser = bold)

26/2007	Domestic Violence - International Aspects & Experience	CC06/A
Portugal, Czech Republic, Germany, Malta and Slovenia

35/2007	Money Laundering	CC06/B	Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Slovakia

42/2007*	Knowledge of European Police Systems	CC05/B	Germany, France and

43/2007*	Knowledge of European Police Systems	CC05/B	France, Germany and

44/2007	Police Cooperation & Europol	CC05/C	Austria, Netherlands and 

45/2007	Police Cooperation & Europol	CC05/C	Hungary, Netherlands and

64/2007	Human Rights & Police Ethics	CC06/C	Germany, France, Slovakia
and United Kingdom

65/2007	Human Rights, Ethics & Prevention of Corruption - Conference
CC05/D	France, Germany, Slovakia and United Kingdom

*	The two courses were not based on the Common Curricula on European
Police Cooperation

Translations of Common Curricula

Three of the Curriculum descriptors developed in 2005 were translated
into different languages following requests from member states. At the
end of 2007, the descriptor of the Curriculum on European Police
Cooperation (CC05/B) was translated from English into ten languages:
Czech, Danish, Estonian, German, Finnish, Lithuanian, Dutch, Portuguese,
Slovak and Swedish. 

The descriptors of the Curricula on Europol (CC05/C) and on Police
Ethics and Prevention of Corruption (CC05/D) were translated into eleven
languages: Czech, Danish, Estonian, French, German, Finnish, Lithuanian,
Dutch, Portuguese, Slovak and Swedish.

Proofreading and translation of the descriptors of the three new Common
Curricula: Domestic Violence, Money Laundering and Trafficking in Human
Beings was initiated in December 2007.


At the end of the year 2007 the state of progress on the work of the
Common Curricula was as follows:


Curriculum	Curriculum Descriptor	CEPOL Course(s)	Translation	Educational
Expert	Module Advisor

Counter Terrorism 	Draft finalised	-	-	Allocated	Allocated

European Police Cooperation 	Draft finalised	42/2007 43/2007	CS, DK, EE,
G, FI, LT, NL, P, SK, SE	Allocated	TBD

Europol 	Draft finalised and validated	44/2007 45/2007	CS, DK, EE, F,
FI, G, LT, NL, P, SK, SE	Allocated	Allocated

Police Ethics & Prevention of Corruption 	Draft finalised and validated
64/2007 65/2007	CS, DK, EE, F, FI, G, LT, NL, P, SK, SE	Allocated

Domestic Violence 	Draft finalised and validated	25a/2007

25b/2007 26/2007	English version proofread	Allocated	Allocated

Money Laundering	Draft finalised and validated	-	English version
proofread	Allocated	Allocated

Trafficking of Human Beings 	Draft finalised and validated	

21/2007	English version proofread	Allocated	Allocated

Civilian Crisis Management 	Initiated	-	-	-	-

Drug Trafficking 	Initiated	-	-	-	-

Management of Diversity 	Initiated	-	-	-	-


The goal of disseminating good practice and research findings throughout
police organisations across Europe is to work towards common standards
of policing based upon science and research led strategies and tactics. 

Project Group on a European Approach to Police Science (PGEAPS)

In 2005, a project group on a European Approach to Police Science was
established. The aim of the group was to obtain a common understanding
of Police Science and Research. Six experts with different backgrounds
and competencies (law, social anthropology, psychology, political
science, sociology and criminology) were appointed. In May 2007, the
report “Perspectives of Police Science in Europe” was presented and
adopted by the Governing Board. The Working Group on Learning was
invited to write a comment to a chapter“Police Science, Police
Education and Police Training”.

2007 CEPOL European Police Research and Science Conference

The 2007 CEPOL European Police Research and Science conference was
hosted by the German Police University (Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei)
in MĂŒnster, on 12-14 September 2007. The event focussed on issues
regarding a European approach to police science. More than 80 senior
police officers, police trainers and police scientists attended. 

Survey on European Police Education Systems (SEPE)

The survey report was finalised in 2006. In order to assess the
possibilities to validate and update the collected information, the
Research and Science Working Group proposed to establish a Project Group
to propose methods on how to revise the SEPE document. 

CEPOL-eDoc and Network of National Correspondents 

In 2007, content of the CEPOL-eDoc database continued to grow. More
countries were able to establish a constant input of content on a
regular basis. The CEPOL Secretariat started to support course
organisers and managers to point out valuable research material
available in CEPOL’s knowledge databases. 

The Use of Police Science and Research within Police Training/Education 

The seminar ’Use of European Police Science and Research in Police
Training and Education’ was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on 17-19 October
2007. The aim of the seminar was to recognise current developments and
future challenges in applying police science and research within police
training and to develop recommendations on how to promote the use of
science and research in CEPOL activities. Twenty-five participants from
14 countries attended the seminar. 



CEPOL carried out two main projects in 2007: the CEPOL/Agis Exchange
Programme (running December 2006 – December 2008) and the Euromed
Police II project (running 2007-2010). 

CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme

In accordance with The Hague Programme, a two-year multilateral
CEPOL/Agis Exchange Programme for the exchange of senior police officers
and training staff was initiated in 2007. The aim of the programme is to
promote ‘mutual trust’ between training staff and senior police
officers, resulting in the support and development of a European
dimension of police cooperation and training. 

In 2007, 51 exchangees and 49 tutors from 20 countries participated in
the Exchange Programme: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and
United Kingdom. 

Senior police officers could choose from three topics: Trafficking in
Human Beings, Child Abuse on the Internet or Diversity and
Radicalisation. The topic for Training Staff was Learning Environment.

An Initial Conference was organised in March 2007 in Cyprus in order to
provide an opportunity for Exchangees and Tutors to meet and plan the
exchange periods. Applicants were “matched“ according to the topics,
language skills and preferred countries. 

Each Exchangee visited two countries. The average length of the exchange
periods was 12 days for senior police officers (between 10-21 days) and
26 days for Training Staff (between one and three months). 

Evaluation of the feedback forms showed that one of the major obstacle
was that Tutors had to organise the exchange activities on top of their
ordinary workloads.

The Project Team at the CEPOL Secretariat, tasked with the coordination
and administration of the Exchange Programme in close cooperation with
the National Exchange Coordinators, was supported by the Reference Group
consisting of members from: Hungary (Chair), Netherlands, Spain and


The final report about the MEDA I programme was accepted by the European
Commission in 2007 and the MEDA I programme closed.

Euromed Police II Project 

The CEPOL Euromed Police II project (referred to as MEDA II) aims to
strengthen international police cooperation in the framework of the
Justice and Home Affairs side of the global MEDA programme which is a
programme of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the MEDA
countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, the
Palestinian Authority, Syria and Tunisia). 


Running for three years, the programme started in July 2007. The budget
for the three-years is is €5 million. Twenty-one seminars (each with
25 participants), 150 study visits and four seminars/meetings for
general directors of police and security services will be organised.
English, French and Arabic are the working languages of the project.

Seventeen member states have expressed willingness to host and/or
organise courses and seminars and send experts and trainers to the

A first preparatory meeting with the CEPOL National Contact Points was
organised on 17-18 September 2007 in Brussels, Belgium The meeting was
followed by a preparatory meeting with the Contact Points of the MEDA
countries on 22-23 October 2007 in Paris, France. 

The first Euromed Police II seminar was organised 19-23 November 2007 in
Lognes, France on the fight against terrorism.


New Website

A new website with improved functionalities, layout, design and content
was launched in September 2007. In addition, the domain name was changed
to   HYPERLINK "http://www.cepol.europa.eu"  www.cepol.europa.eu  in
order to bring CEPOL in line with other EU Agencies.

Electronic Platform

A contract was signed for the development of the new CEPOL electronic
network in September 2007 with JAM Sistemi, Italy. The aim of the new
electronic network is to bring all CEPOL’s existing systems under one
roof (CEPOL-eDoc, EPLN and the website) and allow users access to the
different areas via a single-sign on. 

Newsletters and News Releases

In 2007, CEPOL began distributing a bi-monthly newsletter via email to
keep members of the network informed of key issues and activities. CEPOL
also prepared and propagated 21 news releases which were published on
the website and distributed via email.

Index of Glossaries

Efforts to provide an overview of glossaries with specific police
vocabulary in different languages continued, including a collection of
glossaries of police terminology within member states, access to Europol
glossaries and a general glossary of CEPOL terms.


The key elements of the administrative work within CEPOL in 2007 are
listed below.


CEPOL’s budget for 2007 was €7.439 million, an increase of €2
million compared to 2006. The 40% increase in courses and seminars, new
activities and recruitment of new staff to CEPOL Secretariat reflects
the increase. 


A new accounting system, Accrual Based Accounting (ABAC), introduced by
the European Commission for use within all EU Agencies, was originally
planned to be in operation on 15 October 2007. The introduction was
postponed until May/June 2008. It is envisaged that the new system will
consolidate CEPOL’s overall financial management and working
procedures, as well as accounting procedures. 


During 2007, CEPOL underwent two audits: an external audit carried out
by the European Court of Auditors and an internal audit carried out by
the Internal Audit Services (IAS) of the European Commission.
Additionally the European Commission Directorate General for Justice,
Liberty and Security (DG JLS) will audit the Agis Programme of 2003
regarding the establishment and development of CEPOL’s Electronic
Network (carried out by the Police Academy of the Netherlands). 

Following the audits, important reforms were introduced, the time plan
for implementing financial reforms was amended and an updated action
plan presented to the Governing Board. 

Internal Control Standards

In November 2007, the Governing Board adopted a proposal on the 24
Internal Control Standards to be applied to CEPOL. Two new posts were
proposed in the draft Staff Policy Plan 2009 – 201. The posts will
allow work on Internal Control Standards and Quality Control. 

Agreements with Organisers

The rules and guidelines for the organisation and reimbursement of
courses and seminars were revised, as well as new rules for
reimbursement of meetings. Based on these regulations, agreements
between the organisers of activities/meetings and CEPOL Secretariat will
be concluded. New instruments for the reporting phase were made
available for organisers. 

Recruitment and Staffing

During 2007, staff numbers at CEPOL Secretariat increased from 18 to 28.
The numbers include twelve Temporary Agents, ten Contract Agents, four
Interim staff members and two Seconded National Experts. 

Seventeen recruitments started or were completed during 2007. Twelve new
officers and project staff were recruited, four of which were already
working as Seconded National Experts at CEPOL Secretariat.

Three staff members left CEPOL Secretariat during 2007: two Seconded
National Experts and the Project Secretary recruited to the MEDA II


During 2007, the Governing Board adopted the Multi Annual Staff Policy
Plan 2008-2010 which outlines the staff policies and workforce
management directives, including the resources required for training of

Tenders and Contracts

During 2007, two contracts were signed for the CEPOL Electronic Network.

CEPOL New Electronic Network: 

An Open Tender, published in the Official Journal of the European Union,
was launched in October 2006 to develop and host a new CEPOL Electronic
Network. The contract was awarded to Jam Sistemi, Italy, for contractual
amount of €363,000 payable over a four-year period. The contract went
into force on 21 September 2007. 

CEPOL Web Services

A Negotiated Tender Procedure was launched on 30 May 2007 to provide
development work on CEPOL's interim website and for web-hosting. The
contract was awarded to Sure Communication Ltd, UK, for contractual
amount of ÂŁ4800 - a one-off contract for immediate development of
website functionalities and web-hosting for up to 12 months. The
contract went into force on 28 August 2007. 



CEPOL has existed as a network since 2001 and was established as an EU
Agency by a Council Decision 2005/681/JHA of 20 September 2005. It began
operating as an agency on 1 January 2006. 

The success of CEPOL lies in the fact that it operates as a network. The
Governing Board is the organ of CEPOL to decide on the organisational
structure of CEPOL. The Governing Board had previously established four
committees to support its work. Each committee is supported by a number
of specialised working groups, project groups and sub-groups. 

CEPOL Secretariat provides administrative, educational, logistical and
budgetary support to the groups.

All member states as well as the three associated countries and three
candidate countries (Croatia, FYROM and Turkey) have established a
Contact Point. Many of them have also established national CEPOL
’units’ of varying sizes. 

These units are responsible for implementing and supporting CEPOL’s
activities. Mostly these units are based at, or linked to, the national
senior police training colleges. 

Governing Board

The CEPOL Governing Board is made up of representatives from the EU
member states, usually the directors of the national police training
colleges or institutes with one voting member per country. 

The Chair of the Governing Board is a representative of the member state
holding the Presidency of the European Union – for 2007 Germany and
Portugal respectively. Representatives from the Commission, the Council,
Europol, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland as well as the Association of
European Police Colleges (AEPC), North Baltic Police Academy (NBPA) and
Mittel-EuropÀische Polizeiakademie (MEPA) attend the Governing Board
meetings as observers.

In 2007, the Governing Board had four meetings and adopted 39 decisions
(Annex 1). Two CEPOL Presidency Handover meetings were held (Annex 6).

Strategy Committee

The Strategy Committee provides the Governing Board with support, policy
advice and information necessary for the development and monitoring of
strategies to ensure the delivery of the objectives laid down in the
Council Decision. This includes developing future concepts and
coordinating cross-committee matters, particularly in regard to matters
of the Work Programme and the Annual Report. 

The Strategy Committee is chaired by a representative from the member
state holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (in
2007 Germany and Portugal respectively). The Deputy Chair is the former
Governing Board Chair (in 2007 Finland and Germany respectively). 

Other members in 2007 included the incoming Chair of the Governing
Board (Portugal and Slovenia respectively), the Chair and Deputy Chair
of the Annual Programme Committee, the Chair and Deputy Chair of the
Training and Research Committee, the Deputy Chair of the Budget and
Administration Committee and the Chair of the External Relations Working

The Strategy Committee met four times (Annex 6) during 2007 and
discussed future cooperation agreements with key EU-agencies and the
continuation work regarding the Bologna report. The committee also
discussed the possibility of reducing the number of Governing Board
meetings based on a proposal put forward by Finland was to hold one
board meeting per Presidency with a joint “themed” conference held
in June or July. 

A five-year 'vision' for CEPOL, as well as recommendations for
strengthening the network, were prepared following the CEPOL Networking
Conference, which took place in Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg on 10-12
October 2007. 

External Relations Working Group

The External Relations Working Group is assigned to the Strategy
Committee and is carrying out the External Relations policy. It advises
the Presidency and the Director on matters arising from external
requirements for cooperation. 

The group held three meetings (Annex 6) and during the year, developed a
policy paper on External Relations, concluded the Cooperation Agreement
with Europol and initiated future agreements with Russia and Interpol.
The group also established preliminary contacts with the European
Security Defence College (ESDC) and explored the possibility for
European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries to participate in
different programmes. 

Eurojust and Frontex have been identified as major partners for CEPOL.
The Governing Board tasked the Director to start negotiations for future
cooperation agreements. A meeting will be organised with OLAF regarding
future cooperation.

Budget and Administration Committee

The Budget and Administration Committee supports the Governing Board
with proposals and recommendations on financial and administrative
matters, including advise on budget proposals and implementation, advise
on remarks of the European Court of Auditors, preparing the Governing
Board’s analysis and assessment of the Authorising Officer’s Annual
Activity Report and preparing the Governing Board’s opinion on the
final accounts. The committee also advises on administrative matters,
such as personnel administration, facility and IT management.

The Committee is chaired by a representative from the member state
holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (in 2007
Germany and Portugal respectively). Other members include
representatives from the member states holding the former Presidency (in
2007 Finland and Germany respectively) and incoming Presidency (in 2007
Portugal and Slovenia respectively) and a further nine representatives.
In 2007, the nine representatives were from: Germany, Slovenia,
Luxembourg (Deputy Chair), Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia,
Sweden and United Kingdom. 

The Budget and Administration Committee met four times (Annex 6) and
discussed the Staff Policy Plan 2008 – 2010; the Estimate of Revenues
and Expenditure 2008; Implementing Rules to the Staff Regulation;
Reimbursement for Meetings of Governing Board, Committees and Working
Groups; the Pre-estimation 2009; and Internal Control Standards. The
committee also examined the agreements for the organisation of meetings;
and the agreements for the organisation of courses and seminars.

Project Group ‘Administration of Travel Reimbursement for Participants
of CEPOL Activities’

The group was established in 2007 with the objective to develop
administrative solutions for the possible reimbursement of travel
expenditure and to outline the financial impact.

The group met once (Annex 6). Several options for partial reimbursement
of travel expenses were examined but were considered unsuitable due to
the fact that organisers, sending organisations or CEPOL Secretariat
would face substantial additional administrative work. The project group
therefore proposed the CEPOL Secretariat provide free tickets for up to
ten participants per member state upon request. The proposal was
approved by the Governing Board.

Annual Programme Committee

The Annual Programme Committee makes proposals and recommendations to
the Governing Board about the Work Programme and the Annual Report. The
committee also establishes the yearly activity calendar of courses and
seminars, discuss the evaluation of CEPOL’s activities and supports
the implementation of CEPOL activities.

The members of the Annual Programme Committee in 2007 were
representatives from nine Member States, including: France (Chair),
Netherlands (Interim Deputy Chair), Portugal (Deputy Chair apart from
duration of Presidency), Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Lithuania,
Poland and Slovenia. 

The Annual Programme Committee met four times (Annex 6) and their work
during 2007 was mainly dedicated to updating the 2007 and 2008 Annual
Programmes and Activity Calendar as well as drafting the 2009 programme
and new priorities. The committee developed a new policy regarding the
establishment of the annual programme. 

The first Annual Programme Conference was held on 5-6 September 2007 in
Brussels, Belgium in order to discuss and plan the 2009 Programme. 

The committee also improved the courses and seminars objectives process,
taking into account all stakeholder priorities.


Working Group Analysis of CEPOL’s Training Activities (ACTA)

The Working Group Analysis of CEPOL’s Training Activities (ACTA) is
assigned to the Annual Programme Committee. ACTA supports the committee
in the preparation of the Work Programme, gives recommendations about
how to increase attendance at CEPOL activities based on evaluation
reports from member states. 

The Working Group met four times (Annex 6) and drafted a report on the
findings and recommendations for future organisation of CEPOL

Training and Research Committee 

The Training and Research Committee makes proposals and recommendations
to the Governing Board on the development of CEPOL's training, learning
and research strategy. 

The members of the Training and Research Committee were: Spain (Chair),
Italy (Deputy Chair), Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Ireland,
Latvia and Malta.

The Training and Research Committee held four meetings (Annex 6). The
number of working groups assigned to the committee increased during
2007, from two to four: the Electronic Network Working Group and the
Working Group on Learning were previously established. The Research and
Science Working Group and the Common Curricula Coordination Working
Group were established in 2007.

The committee presented the final report of the project group on a
European Approach to Police Science and the final Survey on European
Police Education and Training (SEPE) report to the Governing Board. 

The committee tasked the Research and Science Working Group to make a
survey on Police Science journals and magazines and to discuss the
publication of a Handbook on European Policing. 

The committee paid particular attention to the Bologna Process and the
Bruges-Copenhagen Process and the Governing Board decided to follow the
Bologna Process in order to identify developments that can be beneficial
to CEPOL. The creation of a Bologna platform to facilitate the exchange
of good practices was discussed.

Several documents were presented to the Governing Board, including
Recommendations for Guidelines and Rules for Course Managers, Trainers
and Lecturers; a revised two-step Train the Trainers course; a revised
Quality in 13 questions (Q13) document; Certification of Trainers and
Course Designers; Post-Course Learning Reinforcement; and Peer Review. 

A new E-learning Project Group was set up to discuss how to proceed with
regard to the production of e-learning modules. 

A preparatory meeting was held to discuss the implementation of a
European Dimension conference.


Electronic Network Working Group

The Electronic Network Working Group plans, coordinates and evaluates
CEPOL’s electronic network and develops technical advice regarding the
sharing of police and scientific information and knowledge management
within the network. 

The Electronic Network Working Group met four times (Annex 6) and
focused on the development of a draft e-learning policy paper, the
evaluation of the tender documents for the new CEPOL electronic network,
the review of the knowledge management process and the monitoring steps
needed for the implementation of the new system.  

Two sub-groups are assigned to the Electronic Network Working Group: the
E-learning Sub-group and the Electronic Platform Sub-group. 

E-learning Sub-group and Project Group on e-Learning

In 2007 a Project Group on e-Learning was established. The remit of the
group is to develop a policy document and action plans about future
e-Learning modules. The new group will replace the E-learning Sub-group.

The E-learning Sub-group met twice (Annex 6) during 2007 drafted a
strategy paper outlining the development of a comprehensive knowledge
system to combine ’Instructor Led Training’ and ’e-Learning’ in
a blended learning concept. 

Electronic Platform Sub-group 

The main objectives of the Electronic Platform Sub-group are to support
the start of the new electronic platform, assess the implementation of
new functionalities, propose solutions for the migration of data as well
as monitor the implementation of the new electronic network. Since
September 2007, the group started the monitoring of the new e-platform.

The group met once (Annex 6) to assess the Open Tender offers for the
new Electronic Platform. The group submitted a final report in April

Working Group on Learning

The Working Group on Learning is assigned to the Training and Research
Committee. The aim of the group is to improve the educational
environment and the didactic methods used within the CEPOL network and
advise about effective learning, learning methods and quality assurance,
including evaluation. 

The group met five times (Annex 6) and key outcomes included: a proposal
to the Governing Board for a Quality Assurance System; a vision and
policy on Evaluation and Assessment; a Train the Trainers concept for
strengthening harmonisation; a recommendation for Peer Review; and a
proposal for the Certification of Trainers and Course Designers. 

Work is still in progress regarding the description of the
Bruges-Copenhagen process, a similar process to the Bologna Process,
aimed at Vocational Education and the redesigning of the Q13 seminar
(Quality in 13 Questions) in accordance with the revised Q13 document.

Three sub-groups are assigned to the Working Group on Learning: 

Sub-group I: Quality Assurance System, Evaluation Assessment and
Post-course Learning Reinforcement

The objectives of Sub-group I include identifying possibilities to
improve the educational system; ensuring the quality of developing and
delivering learning opportunities; and ensuring adequate systems in
order to monitor quality. Sub-group I met once to draft a new version of
the Q13 document.

Sub-group II: Train the Trainers, Certification, Language Courses and
Competency Profile for Trainers

The objectives of Sub-group II include making proposals for the
improvement and harmonisation of the teaching standards within CEPOL.
Sub-group II met once to draft a revised course curriculum programme
combined with the Netherlands and Portugal. 

Sub-group III: Exchange Programme, Implementation of the Bologna

The objectives of Sub-group III include identifying topics for the
exchange programme for trainers and training staff and elaborating on
the Bruges-Copenhagen Process and the outcomes of the Governing Board
decision regarding the report on the Bologna Process.

Research and Science Working Group

The Research and Science Working Group became a working group in 2007.
The group is assigned to the Training and Research Committee. The group
deals with the relations between police experience and research findings
in order to contribute towards better police training and better

The group met three times (Annex 6) and the main discussions
concentrated on the work programme for 2008 and 2009. The group also
launched a small survey project on journals carrying police science
content in the member states. 

The group supported course ‘The use of Police Science and Research
within Police Training & Education’ organised in October 2007. The
group was involved in the CEPOL Annual Research and Science Conference
held in September; the Project Group on a European Approach to Police
Science report and the Survey on European Police Education (SEPE). 

Common Curricula Coordination Working Group

The Common Curricula Coordination Working Group is assigned to the
Training and Research Committee. The group coordinates the development
and implementation of the Common Curricula. The Chairs of the different
Common Curricula Sub-groups are members of the Working Group.

The Common Curricula Coordination Working Group met three times (Annex
6) and the main focus of the group was to update the Common Curricula
policy and present a status report. 

Educational Experts, for the finalisation of the Trainers’ Guides and
Students’ Guides, and Module Advisors, for updating and for
facilitating national implementation, were appointed.

The group also worked on the preparation of courses dedicated to the
Common Curricula. 

Three new Common Curricula topics were chosen to be developed in 2007:
Civilian Crisis Management, Drug Trafficking and Management of

Common Curricula Sub-groups

The ten Common Curricula Sub-groups assigned to the Common Curricula
Coordination Working Group are:

Counter Terrorism

European Police Cooperation


Police Ethics & Prevention of Corruption

Domestic Violence

Money Laundering

Trafficking of Human Beings

Civilian Crisis Management

Drug Trafficking

Management of Diversity 

Annex 1

Governing Board Decisions 2007

Decision Reference	Decision Title

1/2007/GB	Authorising the Director to Conclude a Cooperation Agreement
with Europol 


(Repealed by Decision 10/2007/GB)	Assigning Membership of Committees to
Bulgaria and Romania (Amending Decision 19/2006/GB)


(Repealed by Decision 10/2007/GB)	Establishing a Project Group
“Revision of Decision 19/2006/GB” (Repealing Decision 19/2006/GB) 

4/2007/GB	Working with the Bologna Process

5/2007/GB	Multi Annual Staff Policy Plan 2008-2010

6/2007/GB	Estimate of Revenues and Expenditures for the Financial Year

7/2007/GB	Implementing Rules to the Staff Regulations

8/2007/GB	Rules Governing the Organisation of Meetings and the
Reimbursement of Expenditure for Attending and Organising Meetings of
the Governing Board, Ad Hoc Working Groups and Sub-groups and Hand-over

9/2007/GB	Annual Report 2006

10/2007/GB	Establishing Committees, Working Groups, Project Groups,
Sub-groups and Laying Down Rules Governing the Creation of Committees
and Groups

11/2007/GB	Laying Down Rules for the Functioning of Committees, Working
Groups, Project Groups and Sub-groups

12/2007/GB	Amending Decision 29/2006/GB Laying Down the Common Curricula

13/2007/GB	Establishing Three Common Curricula Sub-groups (Amending
Decision 10/2007/GB)

14/2007/GB	Amending the Procedure for Cancelling CEPOL Activities
(Amending Decision 30/2006/GB)

15/2007/GB	Approving the Meeting Calendar for the Second Half 2007

16/2007/GB	Establishing a Project Group “Administration of Travel
Reimbursement for Participants of CEPOL Activities” (Amending Decision

17/2007/GB	Establishing the Analysis and Assessment of the Authorising
Officer’s Annual Activity Report 2006

18/2007/GB	Delivering an Opinion on the Final Accounts of the European
Police College for 2006

19/2007/GB	Appointing an Interim Accounting Officer

20/2007/GB	Modifying the Establishment Plan 2007

21/2007/GB	Approving the Determination of Chair and Members of the
Project Group “Administration of Travel Reimbursement for Participants
of CEPOL Activities” (Amending Decision 10/2007/GB)


Decision Reference	Decision Title

22/2007/GB	Amending the Rules for the Reimbursement of Expenditure for
Organising Meetings of Committees (Amending Decision 8/2007/GB)

23/2007/GB	Laying Down Detailed Rules for Determination, Election and
Succession of Chairs and Deputy Chairs of Committees, Working Groups,
Project Groups and Sub-groups (Amending Decision 10/2007/GB)

24/2007/GB	Amending the Rules for Amending Meeting Calendars (Amending
Decision 8/2007/GB) 

25/2007/GB	Approving the Meeting Calendar for the First Half 2008

26/2007/GB	Adopting the Work Programme 2008

27/2007/GB	Concerning the Working Group “Analysis of CEPOL’s
Training Activities” (Amending Decision 10/2007/GB)

28/2007/GB	Amending the Rules for the Reimbursement of Attending
Meetings of Committees (Amending Decision 8/2007/GB)

29/2007/GB	Concerning CEPOL’s Approach on Peer Review

30/2007/GB	Concerning CEPOL’s Approach on Post-course Learning

31/2007/GB	Establishing the Revised Q13

32/2007/GB	Approving the Determination of a Deputy Chair of the Research
and Science Working Group (Amending Decision 10/2007/GB)

33/2007/GB	Concerning the Determination of Chairs and Members of Common
Curriculum Sub-group “Civilian Crisis Management”, Common Curriculum
Sub-group “Drug Trafficking” and Common Curriculum Sub-group
“Management of Diversity” (Amending Decision 10/2007/GB

34a/2007/GB	Appointing Module Advisors for the Common Curriculum
“Counter Terrorism”, the Common Curriculum “Europol”, the Common
Curriculum “Police Ethics and Prevention of Corruption”, the Common
Curriculum “Domestic Violence”, the Common Curriculum “Money
Laundering”, and the Common Curriculum “Trafficking in Human

34b/2007/GB	Concerning the Supply of the Services of Module Advisors
(Amending Decision 29/2006/GB)

35/2007/GB	Establishing the Project Group “E-learning” (Amending
Decision 10/2007/GB)

36/2007/GB	Adopting Internal Control Standards

37/2007/GB	Amending the Financial Rules for Courses and Seminars

38/2007/GB	Adopting the Budget for the Financial Year 2008

Annex 2

Courses and Seminars Delivered in 2007

The courses and seminars delivered in 2007 covered a wide-range of
topics. The following table highlights the specific courses relating to
the specific objectives outlined in the articles of the Council Decision
establishing the European Police College (each activity is mentioned
once in the table, but often an activity spans more than one key

Note:  The term ‘Effective attendance’ in the table below refers to
the percentage of actual number of seats filled, from the estimated
number of participants programmed for the activity. 

Article 1.2: CEPOL shall function as a network

Annual Programme Conference, 4-5 September 2007, Belgium

45 Participants from 22 countries

5 Experts (countries not available)

Effective attendance 75% 

CEPOL Networking Conference, 10-12 October 2007, Luxembourg

55 Participants from 23 countries

4 Experts from 4 countries

Effective attendance 79% 

Article 5: Fight against crime, crime prevention and maintenance of law
and order and public security

3a/2007 Crime Prevention Seminar Step 1, Portugal, 29-31 May 2007

26 Participants from 15 countries

14 Experts from 7 countries

Effective Attendance: 87%

3b/2007 Crime Prevention Seminar Step 2, Poland, 2-4 October 2007

16 Participants from 12 countries

9 Experts from 3 countries 

Effective Attendance: 53%

25a/2007 Domestic Violence: International Aspects and Experience Step 1,
Malta, 17-19 April 2007

25 Participants from 19 countries

9 Experts from 6 countries

Effective Attendance: 83%


25b/2007 Domestic Violence: International Aspects and Experience Step 2,
Slovenia, 6-8 November  2007

30 Participants from 17 countries

4 Experts from 2 countries

Effective Attendance: 100%

26/2007 Domestic Violence: International Aspects and Experience,
Portugal, 16-19 October 2007

21 Participants from 15 countries

5 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 70%

36/2007 Community Policing Seminar, Portugal, 6-8 November 2007

25 Participants from 17 countries

6 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 63%

37a/2007 Community Policing Step 1, Latvia, 9-11 May 2007

27 Participants from 19 countries

7 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 90%

38/2007 Public Order and Crowd Management, Belgium, 3-6 June 2007

26 Participants from 19 countries

12 Experts from 3 countries 

Effective Attendance: 87%

40/2007 Public Order and Crowd Management: Security During Summits,
Germany, 20-23 November 2007 

23 Participants from 17 countries

12 Experts from 4 countries 

Effective Attendance: 77%

41/2007 Disaster on a Large Scale, Bulgaria, 17- 19 April 2007

35 Participants from 14 countries

8 Experts from 3 countries 

Effective Attendance: 88%

Article 6.1 Knowledge of the national police systems and structures of
police within the members states

42/2007 Knowledge of European Police Systems, Germany, 3-6 July 2007

19 Participants from 16 countries

8 Experts from 6 countries 

Effective Attendance: 63%


43/2007 Knowledge of European Police Systems, France, 23-26 October 2007

13 Participants from 11 countries

12 Experts from 9 countries 

Effective Attendance: 43%

48/2007 European Police and Judicial Systems Study Tour, Netherlands,
23-27 April 2007

21 Participants from 17 countries

8 Experts from 6 countries 

Effective Attendance: 70%

49/2007 European Police and Judicial Systems Study Tour, Belgium, 1-5
October 2007

20 Participants from 14 countries

17 Experts from 13 countries 

Effective Attendance: 67%

50/2007 Information Seminars, Instruments and Systems of European Police
Cooperation (English), Ireland, 18 June-6 July 2007

20 Participants from 16 countries

13 Experts from 1 country 

Effective Attendance: 100%

51/2007 Information Seminars, Instruments and Systems of European Police
Cooperation (English), United Kingdom, 4-22 June 2007

15 Participants from 12 countries

9 Experts from 2 countries

Effective Attendance: 75%

52/2007 Information Seminars, Instruments and Systems of European Police
Cooperation (English), United Kingdom, 6-24 August 2007

19 Participants from 13 countries

11 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 95%

53/2007 Information Seminars, Instruments and Systems of European Police
Cooperation (French), France, 16 April – 4 May 2007

17 Participants from 15 countries

10 Experts from 1 country 

Effective Attendance: 85%

54/2007 Information Seminars, Instruments and Systems of European Police
Cooperation (German), Germany & Austria, 17 September – 6 October 2007

20 Participants from 13 countries

30 Experts from 6 countries

Effective Attendance: 100%


55/2007 Information Seminars, Instruments and Systems of European Police
Cooperation (Spanish), Spain, 18 June – 6 July 2007

10 Participants from 7 countries

19 Experts from 1 country 

Effective Attendance: 50%

Article 6.2b: Knowledge of international police cooperation and
cooperation within the European Union 

44/2007 Police Cooperation and Europol, Hungary, 21-25 May 2007

20 Participants from 17 countries

5 Experts from 4 countries 

Effective Attendance: 67%

45/2007 Police Cooperation and Europol, Austria, 13-16 November 2007

25 Participants from 18 countries

3 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 83%

47/2007 Police Cooperation and Schengen (SIRENE), Hungary, 25-29 June

23 Participants from 15 countries

14 Experts from 9 countries 

Effective Attendance: 58%

Article 6.3: To provide appropriate training with regard to respect for
democratic safeguards, with particular reference to the rights of

4a/2007 Future Crime Trends Step 1, Finland and Sweden, 28-30 May 2007

18 Participants from 15 countries

15 Experts from 7 countries 

Effective Attendance: 60%

4b/2007 Future Crime Trends Step 2, Iceland, 1-3 October 2007

20 Participants from 13 countries

6 Experts from 4 countries 

Effective Attendance: 67%

64/2007 Human Rights & Police Ethics Training Harmonisation, Germany,
2-5 October 2007

19 Participants from 15 countries

4 Experts from 3 countries 

Effective Attendance: 63%


65/2007 Human Rights & Police Ethics Training Harmonisation, France, 7-9
February 2007

36 Participants from 23 countries

4 Experts from 1 country 

Effective Attendance: 90%

Article 7a: Provide training sessions, based on common standards


01/2007 Visions for Europe: Crime, Police and Justice in the 21st
Century Conference, Portugal, 4-6 June 2007

74 Participants from 21 countries

20 Experts from 6 countries

Effective Attendance: 67% 

02/2007 Crime Intelligence and Risk Assessment, Lithuania, 15-18 May

16 Participants from 12 countries

6 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 53%

05/2007 Intelligence-led Policing, Portugal, 16-19 October 2007

27 Participants from 14 countries

12 Experts from 4 countries 

Effective Attendance: 90%

27/2007 Road Crime “Together to Save Life in Europe“, France, 5-8
June 2007

26 Participants from 17 countries

6 Experts from 1 country

Effective Attendance: 87%

58a/2007 Leadership Development and Management of Change Step 2, United
Kingdom, 11-14 December 2007

13 Participants from 12 countries

3 Experts from 2 countries

Effective Attendance: 43%

58b/2007 Leadership Development and Management of Change Step 1,
Netherlands, 14-16 May 2007

14 Participants from 13 countries

4 Experts from 1 country

Effective Attendance: 47%

59/2007 Leadership Development and Management of Change, Germany, 22-25
May 2007

19 Participants from 15 countries

3 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 63%


60a/2007 TOPSPOC 1 (Senior Management Course), Portugal, 27 February –
2 March 2007

27 Participants from 22 countries

10 Experts from 7 countries 

Effective Attendance: 90%

60b/2007 TOPSPOC 2 (Senior Management Course), France, 22-25 May 2007

27 Participants from 22 countries

11 Experts from 8 countries 

Effective Attendance: 90%

60c/2007 TOPSPOC 3 (Senior Management Course), Sweden, 11-14 September

25 Participants from 20 countries

7 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 83%

60d/2007 TOPSPOC 4  (Senior Management Course), Estonia, 27-30 November

23 Participants from 18 countries

9 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 77%

62/2007 Misuse of Road Traffic, Germany, 11-14 December 2007

16 Participants from 12 countries

7 Experts from 2 countries

Effective Attendance: 53%

75-76/2007 CEPOL Administration Course, CEPOL Secretariat, 2-5 July 2007

24 Participants from 17 countries

13 Experts from 4 countries 

Effective Attendance: 120%

77/2007 CEPOL Administration Course, CEPOL Secretariat, 23-26 October

25 Participants from 19 countries

10 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 125%

Article 7b: Develop and provide training for trainers

69/2007 English Programme for English Language Trainers, CEPOL
Secretariat, 20-23 November 2007

22 Participants from 14 countries

3 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 73%


70/2007 European Police Education Systems, Greece, 13-15 February 2007

33 Participants from 22 countries

9 Experts from 8 countries 

Effective Attendance: 84%

71a/2007 Train the Trainers, Netherlands, 17-19 September 2007

14 Participants from 11 countries

4 Experts from 4 countries 

Effective Attendance: 47%

84/2007 Train the Trainers, Portugal, 5-7 February 2007

27 Participants from 22 countries

4 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 90%

72/2007 Q13 Quality and Common Training Standards, CEPOL Secretariat,
17-19 April 2007

8 Participants from 6 countries

2 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 40%

73/2007 Q13 Quality and Common Training Standards, CEPOL Secretariat,
6-9 November 2007

9 Participants from 9 countries

2 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 45%

74/2007 Q13 Quality and Common Training Standards, CEPOL Secretariat,
25-27 September 2007

11 Participants from 10 countries

2 Experts from 2 countries 

Effective Attendance: 55%

Article 7c: Provide specialist training for police officers playing a
key role in combating cross-border crime, with particular focus on
organised crime 

06/2007 Joint Investigation Teams, Spain, 12-15 November 2007

28 Participants from 17 countries

8 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 93%

08/2007 Counter Terrorism, United Kingdom, 11-15 May 2007

13 Participants from 12 countries

5 Experts from 4 countries

Effective Attendance: 43%


10/2007 Counter Terrorism Expert Course, Germany, 4-7 September 2007

25 Participants from 17 countries

9 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 83%

12/2007 Child Abuse on the Internet, France, 16-19 October 2007

31 Participants from 19 countries

2 Experts from 1 country

Effective Attendance: 103%

13/2007 Combating Cross-border Vehicle Crime, Slovenia, 27-30 March 2007

24 Participants from 16 countries

4 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 80%

14/2007 Combating Organised Vehicle Crime Seminar, Poland, 19-22 June

13 Participants from 9 countries

12 Experts from 4 countries

Effective Attendance: 43%

15/2007 Drug Strategy of the European Union, Poland, 8-11 October 2007

17 Participants from 14 countries

10 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 57%

16/2007 Drug Strategy of the European Union, Czech Republic, 17-20
September 2007

18 Participants from 13 countries

10 Experts from 7 countries

Effective Attendance: 60%

17/2007 High-tech and Cyber-crime, Italy, 19-22 June 2007

19 Participants from 14 countries

10 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 63%

18/2007 High-tech and Cyber-crime, Ireland, 24-27 April 2007

15 Participants from 12 countries

10 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 50%

19a/2007 Nature and Environmental Crime Step 1, Slovakia, 17-19 April

21 Participants from 20 countries

3 Experts from 3 countries

Effective Attendance: 70%


19b/2007 Nature and Environmental Crime Step 2, Italy, 20-22 November

12 Participants from 12 countries

11 Experts from 4 countries

Effective Attendance: 40%

20/2007 Trafficking of Human Beings and Illegal Immigration, Spain, 4-7
June 2007

27 Participants from 19 countries

13 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 90%

22/2007 Trafficking of Human Beings and Illegal Immigration, Lithuania,
5-9 November 2007

16 Participants from 13 countries

9 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 53%

23/2007 Trafficking in Stolen Artwork, Greece, 1-5 October 2007

25 Participants from 19 countries

10 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 83%

24/2007 Trafficking in Stolen Artwork, Italy, 8-11 May 2007

16 Participants from 12 countries

8 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 53%

30/2007 Organised Crime: Economic and Financial Crime, Italy, 9-12
October 2007

27 Participants from 16 countries

15 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 68%

31/2007 Organised Crime: Economic and Financial Crime, Czech Republic,
21-24 May 2007

27 Participants from 19 countries

10 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 68%

32/2007 Organised Crime: Economic and Financial Crime, Belgium, 27-29
November 2007

25 Participants from 16 countries

Experts data not available

Effective Attendance: 63%


33/2007 Corruption and Financial Crime, Slovakia, 4-7 September 2007

37 Participants from 21 countries

10 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 92%

34/2007 Euro Counterfeiting, Portugal, 19-22 March 2007

19 Participants from 15 countries

4 Experts from 1 country

Effective Attendance: 63%

35/2007 Money Laundering, Portugal, 16-19 April 2007

26 Participants from 19 countries

15 Experts from 6 countries

Effective Attendance: 87%

80/2007 Northeast Europe Organised Crime Organisations, Finland, 5-8
November 2007

19 Participants from 14 countries

13 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 63%

81/2007 Southwest Europe Organised Crime Organisations, Portugal, 7-10
May 2007

22 Participants from 17 countries

15 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 73%

82/2007 Southwest Europe Organised Crime Organisations, Italy, 20-23
February 2007

21 Participants from 16 countries

16 Experts from 4 countries

Effective Attendance: 70%

83/2007 Atlas Hermes Seminar, France, 27-29 March 2007

38 Participants from 21 countries

9 Experts from 1 country

Effective Attendance: 127% 

Article 7d: Disseminate Best Practice and Research Findings 

29/2007 Forensic Science Seminar, Hungary, 24-28 September 2007

25 Participants from 20 countries

11 Experts from 7 countries 

Effective Attendance: 83%


66/2007 CEPOL Annual Police Science and Research Conference, Germany,
12-14 September 2007

52 Participants from 22 countries

11 Experts from 9 countries

Effective Attendance: 65%

67/2007 The use of Police science and Research in Police Education &
Training, Cyprus, 17-19 October 2007

24 Participants from 15 countries

9 Experts from 6 countries 

Effective Attendance: 60%

Article 7e: Develop and provide training to prepare police forces of the
European Union for participation in non-military crisis management

56a/2007 Civil Aspects of Crisis Management, Austria, 29 May -15 June

22 Participants from 18 countries

22 Experts from 8 countries 

Effective Attendance: 73%

56b/2007 European Mission in Kosovo – Hungary, 19-22 November 2007

18 Participants from 14 countries

5 Experts from 1 country 

Effective Attendance: 60%

57/2007 Strategic Planning for European Union Police Missions, France,
28 May-6 June 2007

21 Participants from 16 countries

8 Experts from 1 country 

Effective Attendance: 105%

Article 7f: Develop and provide training for police authorities from the
Candidate Countries

78/2007 Seminar for Police Authorities of Candidate Countries, Romania,
8-10 May 2007

22 Participants from 3 countries

13 Experts from 5 countries

Effective Attendance: 73%

79/2007 Seminar for Police Authorities of Candidate Countries, Bulgaria,
11-13 September 2007

16 Participants from 3 countries

13 Experts from 4 countries

Effective Attendance: 53% 


Article 7i: Enable the senior police officers of the Member States to
acquire relevant language skills

68a/2007 Development of English Language Skills for Governing Board,
Committee and Working Group Members,  CEPOL Secretariat, 24-29 June 2007

7 Participants from 6 countries

2 Experts from 1 countries

Effective Attendance: 47%

68b/2007 Development of English Language Skills for Governing Board,
Committee and Working Group Members,  CEPOL Secretariat, 3-7 December

10 Participants from 7 countries

2 Experts from 1 country

Effective Attendance: 67%

Annex 3 

Postponed Activities 

Reference Number	Course Title	Rescheduled	Organiser(s)


(94a/2008)	Public Order & Crowd Management 

(Football Championship)	25-28 March 2008	Austria and Switzerland 


(94b/2008)	Public Order & Crowd Management 

(Football Championship)	26-29 August 2008	Austria and Switzerland



	Police Cooperation in Europe and Schengen 	10-14 November 2008


(90a/2008)	Strategies against Child Abuse - Step 1

	29-31 January 2008	Sweden


(90b/2008)	Strategies against Child Abuse - Step 2

	6-8 May 2008	Norway



	Changes in the EU Society-Consequences in Human Resource Management
11-14 March 2007	Germany



	Community Policing – Step 2	26-28 February 2008	Greece

99/2007	European Dimension

	6-8 October 2008	France



	Trafficking in Human Beings

	To be confirmed	Sweden


(98/2008)	Counter Terrorism Strategic Course

	21 January – 

1 February 2008	United Kingdom



	Train the Trainers - Step 2

	25-27 February 2008	Portugal

Cancelled Activities

Reference Number	Course Title


	Joint Investigation Teams


	Undercover Operations 


	Alumni Seminar for TOPSPOC Participants


Annex 4

Course Participation by Country 2006 and 2007***

Country	Participants

2006	Participants

2007	+ / -


Austria	45	42	-3

Belgium	54	63	+9

Bulgaria *	30	90	+60

Cyprus	32	61	+29

Czech Republic	72	82	+10

Denmark	34	42	+8

Estonia	37	46	+9

Finland	26	39	+13

France	81	130	+49

Germany	72	101	+29

Greece	39	42	+3

Hungary	53	62	+9

Ireland	27	34	+7

Italy	62	105	+43

Latvia	62	75	+13

Lithuania	70	106	+36

Luxemburg	13	9	-4

Malta	5	17	+12

Netherlands	36	55	+19

Poland	73	85	+12

Portugal	39	82	+43

Romania *	53	70	+17

Slovakia	41	50	+9

Slovenia	34	53	+19

Spain	67	90	+23

Sweden	40	43	+3

United Kingdom	72	101	+29

Iceland	4	17	+13

Norway	17	19	+2

Switzerland	19	24	+5

Croatia	0	11	+11

FYROM**	0	12	+12

Turkey	2	17	+15

Europol	3	10	+7

Interpol	0	4	+4

*	Not yet member states in 2006

**	Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

***	List includes member states, associated countries plus some

Annex 5

Trainer Contribution by Country 

ovenia	12	5	7

Spain	39	33	6

Sweden	14	7	7

United Kingdom	38	20	18

Iceland	3	2	1

Norway	2	0	2

Switzerland	5	0	5

Croatia	0	0	0

FYROM	0	0	0

Turkey	0	0	0

Others	7	0	7

Eurojust	6	-	-

Europol	39	-	-

Frontex	4	-	-

Interpol	7	-	-

Other Organisations	61	-	-


Annex 6

2007 Meetings of Governing Board, Committees, Working Groups and Project

	Dates	Location

Presidency Handover (Germany to Portugal)	13-14 June	MĂŒnster, Germany

Presidency Handover (Portugal to Slovenia)	12-13 December 	Loures,

7th Governing Board 	7-8 March	MĂŒnster, Germany

8th Governing Board 	22-23 May 	Berlin, Germany

9th Governing Board 	26-27 September	Lisbon, Portugal

10th Governing Board	27-28 November 	Loures, Portugal

5th Strategy Committee	21 February	MĂŒnster, Germany

6th Strategy Committee	4 May 	Bramshill, UK

7th Strategy Committee	14 September	Loures, Portugal

8th Strategy Committee	14 November	Loures, Portugal

External Relations Working Group	23 January	Paris, France

External Relations Working Group	16-17 July 	Istanbul, Turkey

External Relations Working Group	1-2 October	Valetta, Malta

5th Budget & Administration Committee	7 February 	MĂŒnster, Germany

6th Budget & Administration Committee	3 May 	Bramshill, UK

7th Budget & Administration Committee	13 Sept 	Loures, Portugal

8th Budget & Administration Committee	13 Nov 	Loures, Portugal

Project Group ’Administration of Travel Reimbursement for Participants
of CEPOL Activities’	28-29 November 	Loures/Lisbon, Portugal

5th Annual Programme Committee	29 January 	Nicosia, Cyprus

6th Annual Programme Committee	16-17 April 	Ljubljana, Slovenia

7th Annual Programme Committee	6-7 September 	Brussels, Belgium

8th Annual Programme Committee	29-30 October 	Lognes, France

Working Group ’Analysis of CEPOL’s Training Activities (ACTA)	24
January 	Paris, France

Working Group ’Analysis of CEPOL’s Training Activities (ACTA)	3
April 	Bratislava, Slovakia

Working Group ’Analysis of CEPOL’s Training Activities (ACTA)	25
June 	Brussels, Belgium

Working Group ’Analysis of CEPOL’s Training Activities (ACTA)	19
September 	Bramshill, UK

4th Training & Research Committee	1-2 February 	Madrid, Spain

5th Training & Research Committee	19-20 April 	Riga, Latvia

6th Training & Research Committee	18-19 July 	Bramshill, UK

7th Training & Research Committee	8-9 October 	Tallinn, Estonia


	Dates	Location

Electronic Network Working Group	17 January 	Rome, Italy

Electronic Network Working Group	26-27 April 	Athens, Greece

Electronic Network Working Group	11-12 June 	Bramshill, UK

Electronic Network Working Group	12-13 December 	Bramshill, UK

E-learning Sub-group	27 April 	Athens, Greece

E-learning Sub-group	31 May 	Vienna, Austria

Electronic Platform Sub-group	13 June 	Bramshill, UK

Working Group on Learning	10-12 January 	Ljubljana, Slovenia

Working Group on Learning	29-30 March 	Nicosia, Cyprus

Working Group on Learning	20-22 June 	Bramshill, UK

Working Group on Learning	5-6 September 	Amsterdam, Netherlands

Working Group on Learning	22-23 November 	Madrid, Spain

Sub-group I	30 July-1 August 	Loures, Portugal

Sub-group II	3-5 May 	Amsterdam, Netherlands

Research & Science Working Group	18-20 June 	Bramshill, UK

Research & Science Working Group	10-11 September 	MĂŒnster, Germany

Research & Science Working Group	17-18 December 	Traiskirchen, Austria

Common Curricula Coordination Working Group	13-14 March 	Bramshill, UK

Common Curricula Coordination Working Group	25 June 	Bramshill, UK

Common Curricula Coordination Working Group	11-13 December 	Bramshill,


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