Bijlage 3
Nummer: 2008D16359, datum: 2008-11-18, bijgewerkt: 2024-02-19 10:56, versie: 1
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Bijlage bij: Geannoteerde agenda JBZ-raad 27-28 nov. 2008 (2008D16355)
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COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 10 November 2008 14795/08 COR 2 PROCIV 150 COCON 30 COSDP 932 DEVGEN 196 ENV 731 FORETS 61 ONU 91 RECH 316 RELEX 809 SAN 238 TELECOM 164 CORRIGENDUM TO "I/A" ITEM NOTE From: Council General Secretariat To: Coreper/Council No. prev. doc.: 13741/1/08 REV 1 PROCIV135 COCON 24 COSDP843 DEVGEN166 ENV630 FORETS 47 ONU 78 RECH 295 RELEX 710 SAN 207 TELECOM 146 Subject: Council Conclusions on strengthening relations between the European Union and the United Nations as regards disaster response capacity - Adoption Page 4, paragraph 8 is replaced by the following text: "Noting with satisfaction the success of the recent missions conducted jointly by the Community Civil Protection Mechanism and the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit". ___________________________ 14795/08 COR 2 CF/ap PAGE 1 DGH4 βEN