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Instelling van samenwerkingsmechanismen tussen civiele EVDB missies en Europol op het gebied van de informatie-uitwisseling


Nummer: 2008D17415, datum: 2008-11-21, bijgewerkt: 2024-02-19 10:56, versie: 1

Directe link naar document, link naar pagina op de Tweede Kamer site.

Bijlage bij: Aanv. Geann. Agenda JBZ Raad 27 en 28 november 2008 (2008D17397)

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Brussels, 14 November 2008 (18.11)

(OR. fr)







from :	General Secretariat

to :	COREPER/Council

No. prev. doc. :	15166/2/08 REV 2 CIVCOM 607 CATS 91 EUROPOL 74 COWEB

Subject :	Adoption of draft conclusions of the Council of the European
Union on possible cooperation mechanisms between civilian ESDP missions
and EUROPOL as regards the mutual exchange of information

1.	On 6 June 2008, the JHA Council called for the establishment of a
mechanism for the exchange of information between EUROPOL and the EU's
civilian ESDP missions, to ensure continuity in the fight against
organised crime, and to help to reinforce security and stability, both
in the areas where ESDP missions are deployed and in the EU.

2.	On 25 October 2008 the Presidency presented draft conclusions to the
Council on this subject.

3.	The draft was also presented to the Committee for Civilian Aspects of
Crisis Management at its meeting on 12 November 2008. That Committee
made two amendments, included in 15166/2/08 REV 2 CIVCOM 607 CATS 91

4.	The amended draft conclusions were examined by JHA Counsellors at
their meeting on 14 November 2008. At that meeting consensus was
reached on the text in 15166/2/08 REV 2 CIVCOM 607 CATS 91 EUROPOL 74
COWEB 269.

5.	Given the above, Coreper is asked to invite the Council to approve
the attached draft Council conclusions on possible cooperation
mechanisms between civilian ESDP missions and EUROPOL as regards the
mutual exchange of information.



Draft Council conclusions on possible cooperation mechanisms between

civilian ESDP missions and EUROPOL as regards the mutual exchange of

The Council,

Referring to its conclusions of 6 June 2008 (7821/3/08), which invited
Member States to examine by the end of 2008 proposals by the General
Secretariat of the Council and EUROPOL on possible ways of exchanging
personal data between EUROPOL and civilian ESDP missions via the EUROPOL
National Units (ENU) of the Member States and considered that work
should proceed to evaluate possibilities for the exchange of such data
directly between EUROPOL and these missions;

Underlining that, within the scope of and in accordance with their
respective mandates, it is in the interest, on the one hand, of ESDP
civilian missions to have access to relevant personal information held
by EUROPOL, initially in the case of a police mission with an executive
mandate, and, on the other hand, of Member States to have access via
EUROPOL to any information which civilian missions could make available
to them;

Considering that such exchanges of information, which ensure continuity
in the fight against organised crime, can help to reinforce security and
stability, both in the areas where ESDP missions are deployed, in
accordance with their role, and in the EU;

Welcomes the document prepared jointly by EUROPOL and the General
Secretariat of the Council on the possibility of establishing
cooperation mechanisms for the exchange of personal data between EUROPOL
and civilian ESDP missions;

Notes that exchanges may be implemented, so far, only via the Member
States and their National Units;


Points out that this arrangement relies above all on the commitment of
Member States in close contact with the Head of the civilian ESDP

Calls on Member States, in close cooperation with EUROPOL and the GSC,
to implement an information exchange mechanism for the EULEX Kosovo
Mission without delay via the National Units in accordance with the
proposals by EUROPOL and the GSC;

Invites the General Secretariat of the Council and EUROPOL to conduct a
joint evaluation of the implementation of the mechanism before June

Asks Member States, in the light of the outcome of the joint evaluation,
to consider in due course whether the mechanism should be amended
and/or extended to other civilian ESDP missions. 




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