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Brief aan Japanse ambassade


Nummer: 2008D19309, datum: 2008-12-02, bijgewerkt: 2024-02-19 10:56, versie: 1

Directe link naar document (.doc), link naar pagina op de Tweede Kamer site.

Bijlage bij: Verzoek aan Nederlandse regering om stelling te nemen tegen het slachten van dolfijnen in Japan (2008D19308)

Preview document (๐Ÿ”— origineel)

  FORMTEXT  Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit 

  FORMTEXT  Directie Natuur 

  FORMTEXT  Willem Witsenplein 6 

Postadres:   FORMTEXT  Postbus 20401 

  FORMTEXT  2500 EK  's-Gravenhage 

Telefoon:   FORMTEXT  070 - 3786868 

Fax:   FORMTEXT  070 - 3786100 

  FORMTEXT  H.E. Mr. Minoru Shibuya 

  FORMTEXT  Ambassador of Japan 

  FORMTEXT  Embassy of Japan 

  FORMTEXT  Tobias Asserlaan 2 


  FORMTEXT  โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚ 

  FORMTEXT  โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚ 

  FORMTEXT  โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚ 

  FORMTEXT  โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚ 

  FORMTEXT  โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚ 	  FORMTEXT  โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚โ€‚ 	  FORMTEXT 
DN. 2008/3410 	  FORMTEXT  2 december 2008 

  FORMTEXT  Dolphin hunt in Japan 	  FORMTEXT  3785315 	  FORMTEXT 

Your Excellency,

At the request of the Standing Committee for Agriculture of the House of
Representatives I would like to draw your attention to your countryโ€™s
hunting of dolphins in Taiji.


I understand the dolphins are surrounded by a small fleet of boats where
fishermen lower metal poles into the water and bang them to frighten the
animals and disrupt their sonar. I understand they are then herded into
drift nets and transported, while still alive, to the place where they
are killed. The Netherlands, as you know, is not in favour of the
hunting of cetaceans. And this whole process is too protracted and
unethical from an animal welfare perspective.

I would like to ask you if you can confirm that this process takes place
as I described, and if so, to stop it, to prevent further suffering.
Earlier, the Netherlands put this to the IWC delegation in Alaska in
2007. The Japanese delegation then said that this issue would have to be
decided bilaterally as dolphins do not come under IWC management. I
therefore put the question to you with this letter.

I would ask you to raise this issue with the Ministry of Fisheries, to
improve the welfare of dolphins in Japanese waters.

Gerda Verburg

Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

Cc to Mr. M. Takemota

Datum	Kenmerk	Paraaf:	Vervolgblad

  REF datum  \* MERGEFORMAT  2 december 2008 	  REF onskenmerk  \*


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