Engelse brief aan Martin Schulz (namens mw. Dijkstra en dhr. Taverne) inzake Electoral Act (EP-resolution T8-0395/2015, file number 2015/2035)
Brief commissie
Nummer: 2016D07341, datum: 2016-02-18, bijgewerkt: 2024-02-19 10:56, versie: 1
Directe link naar document (.docx), link naar pagina op de Tweede Kamer site.
Gerelateerde personen:- Eerste ondertekenaar: P.A. (Pia) Dijkstra, Tweede Kamerlid (Ooit D66 kamerlid)
- Mede ondertekenaar: Drs. M.J. van der Leeden, griffier
- Mede ondertekenaar: J. Taverne, Tweede Kamerlid (Ooit VVD kamerlid)
Onderdeel van zaak 2016Z03623:
- Indiener: P.A. (Pia) Dijkstra, Tweede Kamerlid
- Medeindiener: Drs. M.J. van der Leeden, griffier
- Medeindiener: J. Taverne, Tweede Kamerlid
- Volgcommissie: vaste commissie voor Europese Zaken
- Voortouwcommissie: vaste commissie voor Binnenlandse Zaken
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to Mr. Martin Schulz
President of the European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60
B-1047 Brussels
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag
T 070 318 2068
E cie.biza@tweedekamer.nl
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag
T 070 318 2068
E cie.biza@tweedekamer.nl
date 18 February 2016
subject Electoral Act (EP-resolution T8-0395/2015, file number 2015/2035)
our reference 2016Z03623 / 2016D07341
your letter of 2 February 2016
page 1/
Dear Mr. Schulz,
On behalf of the Committee on Home Affairs of the Netherlands House of Representatives, I thank you for your swift reply to our letter of February 2nd, 2016. We appreciate your efforts to investigate this matter with such expedience.
We kindly request you to consider transmitting future legislative proposals which originate from the Parliament differently.
In particular, we advise to forward such proposals timelier, in full and separate from other resolutions of the European Parliament, and with a reference to article 6 of Protocol 2 of the TFEU.
Thus making it clear to national Parliaments what the EP considers to be the date of transmission of the draft legislative Act.
We also look forward to receive a reply to the reasoned opinion we sent in, within the spirit of an open dialogue between the European Parliament and national Parliaments.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. P.A. Dijkstra MP
Chair of the Committee on the Interior
House of Representatives of the States-General
Mr. J. Taverne MP
Rapporteur European Electoral Act
House of Representatives of the States-General
Committee on the Interior