To Mr. F. Birol Invitation to be one of the key note speakers as well as part of a panel at the Interparliamentary Conference on Energy, Innovation and Circular Economy on Monday April 4, 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands
Brief commissie
Zaak 2015Z21753, gestart op 2015-10-19
- Indiener: Tweede Kamerlid M.S. van Veen
- Volgcommissie: vaste commissie voor Infrastructuur en Milieu (2010-2017)
- Volgcommissie: vaste commissie voor Economische Zaken (2012-2017)
- Voortouwcommissie: politieke voorbereidingsgroep IPC Energie
- 2016-04-20: To Mr. F. Birol: Thank you for your contribution during the Interparliamentary Conference on energy, innovation and circular economy on Monday 4th April 2016 (Brief commissie)
- 2015-11-17: To Mr. F. Birol Invitation to be one of the key note speakers as well as part of a panel at the Interparliamentary Conference on Energy, Innovation and Circular Economy on Monday April 4, 2016, The Hague, The Netherlands (Brief commissie)