The following mailing lists are available:
- Bert Hubert Nederlands: Updates over praatjes, blogposts voor een Nederlands publiek
- Bert Hubert Nerd Stuff: Technical, computer, technology updates from Bert Hubert
- Bert Hubert Non-nerdy Updates: Updates on posts, talks, excluding really technical stuff
- Cloud Kootwijk Algemeen: Updates over het Cloud Kootwijk project
- OpenTK: Updates over de Tweede Kamer monitor
- Testlist: Een testlijst
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Privacy policy: your data will not be sold and won't be shared with any one. We'll also not contact you via email, except for messages you explicitly subscribed to. If we do contact you it is because there is an urgent reason to, like for example a data breach. Except for your email address and your subscriptions, we store no data about you, not even your name nor a password. We do however temporarily store log files to investigate problems, but these log files do not contain any personal details.
This service runs on my small server server in my home, and not on any cloud.
For any questions or access to your data, or removal requests, please contact Bert Hubert,
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