Hi! I'm bert hubert, and I am an entrepreneur & software developer. I sometimes contribute to science, I care a lot about Europe 🇪🇺, innovation, climate, biology & health. I'm a former shareholder of Open-Xchange, the parent company of PowerDNS which I founded in 1999. In 2020, I joined a government oversight board, which I have since left. These days I am a part-time technical advisor at the Dutch Electoral Council. Furthermore, I write articles, some of which have been published by places like the IETF, IEEE, RIPE, APNIC, the Swedish Electronics Standardisation Institute, but also by newspapers/magazines like Nature Scientific Data, De Volkskrant, Nederlands Dagblad, Villamedia, De Ingenieur, Knack and others. A bit more about me and what I (want to) do can be found here.
By popular demand (really), I now also have a newsletter in English, and also een nieuwsbrief in het Nederlands. On those pages you can also subscribe to some further more dedicated lists.
There is also a useful tag cloud of subjects, like biology, Europe, legal or GPS/Galileo/GNSS
I can be contacted via email on bert@hubertnet.nl or on Mastodon: @bert_hubert@fosstodon.org. If you don't receive a timely reply, do check your spam folder (sadly).
My (live) data and software projects:
Some notable projects, publications & presentations:
Note: All recent publications/posts can be found here.
You can find more in the sections on linked from the top of this page.
Possibly relevant: Linkedin, Mastodon, Dutch Mastodon, BlueSky (reluctantly), Old blog, GitHub 1, GitHub 2, Google Scholar, ORCiD. I am no longer on Twitter.
Some older links can only be found on the old version of this page.