
This is the geeky homepage of bert hubert. Please head to PowerDNS for business related queries. I can be contacted on bert.hubert@netherlabs.nl.

Hello! This is my old page. All new content is on https://ds9a.nl/. There are a few things that can only be found here, though.

Possibly relevant: Linkedin, PowerDNS Twitter, Non-PowerDNS Twitter, Wikipedia, Blog, PowerDNS Blog, GitHub.

Table of contents: Food, nutrition, science, health, Startup, business related, Publications, Presentations, Random, Cryptography, Food, Programming, Software, Friends & family pages.

Food, nutrition, science, health

Startup, innovation & business related



I love to do presentations & talks, so if you need a speaker on anything that I'm involved with, please contact me.

Some random stuff



Linux/Unix stuff, programming

Linux/Unix software

Friend & family pages