Presentations & Radio
I love to do presentations & talks, so if you need a speaker on anything that I'm involved with, please contact me
( You can also
hire me for employee or corporate events. Presentations that are
suitable for such events are highlighted in red.
Note: I do not charge anything for presentations for non-profits or government departments and agencies.
- 2024
- 7th of June, PublicSpaces 2024, Digitale Autonomie: wat is het en willen we het wel
- 14th of May, NCSC-NL, Surf, ACCSS symposium,
Cyber Security: A Pre-War Reality Check
- 15th of March, Webdevcon. In praise of sub-million line of code. Slides with copious notes and links
- 29th of February, Hogeschool Leiden, Opleiding tot Verpleegkundige. AI: Goed of slecht, het gaat nooit meer weg
- 23rd of January, Licensing Executives Society Benelux talk on 2024 software licensing realities, including audits and due diligence
- 2023
- 3rd of October, One Conference presentation: EU and you
- 27th of September, Software and Source Code, Licensing Executives Society Benelux
- 4th of September, Data-analyse die er toe doet, Open Huis IT & IV @Rijksoverheid
- 31st of August, Scientists, politics, government, public sector and non-technical
management, COMPASS summer school / Beta in Bestuur en Beleid
- 30th of June, SURF security conference, Wie bestuurt het internet?
- 28th of June, Met Nerds Om Tafel podcast, De nostalgie van inbellen en het wilde westen van internet in de jaren ’90 met Bert Hubert & Dave Aaldering
- 27th of June, GOTO Amsterdam, Privacy, crime, national security, human rights: and you in the middle
- 27th of June, GOTO Amsterdam, Hello Deep Learning
- 24th of June, GroenLinks, technosolutionism en surveillance
- 22nd of June, BNR Nexus, Wat als AI leert van eigen output, EU versus VS en digitale slachthuizen
- 31st of May, More-IP, upcoming EU regulation
- 18th of May, Qualcomm Security Summit, upcoming EU regulation
- 11th of May, NLUUG, Hello Deep Learning
- 13th of January, BNR
Ochtendspits, over ICT en de belastingdienst
- 12th of January, RTL-Z
Nieuws, over zeekabels
- 2022
- 3rd of December, EenVandaag: Oud-toezichthouder niet blij met meer bevoegdheden geheime diensten: 'Kan eng uitpakken'
- 28th November, Digital Society Conference 2022, The Digital Society of the Dutch Universities, panel with Prof. dr. Bart Jacobs and Dr. Bernold Nieuwesteeg
- 3rd of November, Cyber and Information Security: have we all gone mad?, TU Delft, department of Technology, Policy & Management.
- 7th of October, The Nerd Whisperer & the
reflecting on how technical and non-technical people need to
work together to innovate, and how hard this is.
- 3rd of October, De wantrouwende overheid #2: Een verkenning van de verzameldrang naar data, De Rode Hoed
- 30th of September, Business for Geeks, part 3 of an NLNOG trilogy on work and business. Includes link to video
- 30th of September, "Bestuur, beleid, weten, denken, doen", presentatie voor Rijkstrainees bij de Rijksacademie
- 26th of July, How do GPS/Galileo/etc really work & how the project monitors all navigation satellites (slides), (video), MCH2022.
22th of July, Hacking the Genome. How does it work? And should we be? (slides), (video), MCH2022.
- 3/4 July,
Er zijn te weinig nerdfluisteraars bij bedrijven en overheden, vindt ict-expert Bert Hubert, Kustaw Bessems / Volkskrant.
- 24th of May, Cybersecurity & Energy, European Energy Law Seminar, (text)
- 22nd of May, Podcast Stuurloos, Waarom je nerdfluisteraars nodig hebt bij de overheid, Kustaw Bessems / Volkskrant.
- 3rd of May, "Who controls the internet? And should they?", RIPE Student Day (Video, slides)
6th of April, SkewDB: an open database of GC and other microbial
skews, Scientific Spring Meeting KNVM / NVMM 2022 (Video)
30th of March, BNR Nieuwsradio on the EU Digital Markets Act
26th of January, Hackparadijs
Nederland, De Balie. Met Sanne Maasakkers, Michiel Steltman en Lokke
- 2021
- 2nd of November, "Who controls the internet? And should
they?". Keynote at NANOG 83. Transcript
- 20th of October, BNR Nieuwsradio, on GitLab and Google
- 28th of May, "Podcast over Media", over de machteloosheid
van Europa, en hoe we onszelf technologisch weer zouden kunnen
gaan redden. (origineel, backup)
- 15th of January, "Cyberhelden podcast", with Ronald Prins. Spotify
- 12th of January, European Microwave Week, How technology loses out in companies, countries
& continents -and- What to do about it
- 2020
- 25th of November, BNR Digitaal, over (Google) RCS
- 18th of November, Licensing Executives Society Benelux, session with
Maurits Westerik on software licensing practices & open source
- 7th of November, Tweakers / DPG Event Privacy &
Security, DNS is alles: Verhuist het nu ook naar de (buitenlandse)
cloud?, YouTube,
Local copy
- 14th of October, BNR Digitaal, Trickbot botnet, IBM splitup, the cloud
- 4th of September, NLNOG Live, Career Development & Money, slides, video
- 2nd of September, BNR Digitaal, Corona app, discussie over (overheids-)aanbestedingen
- 6th of August, INNOG 3, DNS over HTTPS: A protocol and a change of
- 15th of July, BNR Ochtendspits, Het grote Microsoft DNS
beveiligingslek. Nieuwsbericht
- 8th of July, BNR Digitaal (Dutch Radio), on Huawei and the
EU 5G toolkit, and also on the privacy of Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri and Google Assistant
- 19th of June, BNR Ochtendspits (Dutch Radio), on the
various Corona contact tracing apps and their privacy
- 3rd of June, BNR Digitaal (Dutch Radio), on SpaceX
Starlink satellite, and its implications
- 18th of February, European Parliament, European Internet Forum, Encryption, data protection and law
- 2019
- 31st of October, Infosecurity Utrecht, Modern DNS Security & Privacy
- 10th of October, 7th Europol/INTERPOL Cybercrime Conference. Presentation available on request.
- 2nd of October, Dutch National Cyber Security Centre "One" Conference, "Current State and Development of DNS Security and Privacy".
- 12th of September, NL-IX Interconnect Days, Scheveningen, "DNS Security (DoH)". Slides
- 10th of September, UKNOF44, Belfast, "Panel: Operational Considerations of DoH Deployment".
- 6th of September, NLNOG Day 2019, "DNS over HTTPS considerations". Slides,
- 23rd of May, NLUUG Spring Conference in Utrecht, "DNS, SNI, TLS, HTTPS: Modern DNS
& Privacy". Slides & provisional
- 3rd of February, FOSDEM Brussels, "DNS Privacy Panel". Blog
post with links to video
- 2018
- 13th of October, DNS-OARC 29 in Amsterdam, "Welcome to
DNS, or, Saving the DNS Camel". Slides,
- 19th of September, BNR Radio, on Linus Torvalds stepping
down. Audio.
- 13th of June, BNR Radio, on Microsoft acquiring GitHub.
- 9th of June, Yes!Delft Students startup weekend, "Assumptions
& Riskiest Assumptions"
- 4th of April, BNR Radio, on Cloudflare Audio
- 20th of March, IETF
101, DNSOP WG, London,
The DNS Camel, or, how many features can we add to this protocol before it breaks?
- 18th of February, NDSS DNS Privacy Workshop Programme,
ipcipher: Encrypting IP Addresses, San Diego, California, USA (delivered remotely)
- 8th of February, SURF Security- en Privacyconferentie ‘Crisis? Business as Usual!’,
Meltdown & Spectre: Past, Present & Future, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
- 2017
- 21st of September, Trusted
Email Services meeting, Zürich
- 12th of September, UKNOF38, Sheffield, "Kolmo: configuration management primitives library & support infrastructure"
- 6th of August, Still Hacking Anyway (SHA2017), 'DNA:
More greatest hits'. Slides,
audio (gets better after a few minutes).
- 5th of August, Still Hacking Anyway
(SHA2017), 'DNA: The Code of
Life'. High quality
video, slides
- 2nd of June, 'Yes!Delft' 1•2•Startup, Delft University of Technology,
with Floor van de
Pavert, 'Marketing, Market Research & “The Mom
- 19th of May, Deloitte, “Reporting live from the Backbone, the 13 root servers
& the 7 keys to the internet”. Presentation available on
- 14th of May, DNS-OARC, “HyperLogLog inspired three-minute scan of DNSSEC delegations
- 2016
- 17th of November, a defence research institute, "Internet & DNS from an Electronic Warfare perspective".
Presentation available on request (if you too are a defence research institute)
- 20th of May, 'Yes!Delft' 1•2•Startup, Delft University of Technology, 'Marketing, Market research, Market trends'. Slides, mostly good audio.
- 21st of April, 'dnsdist: DNS, latency and DoS-aware load balancing',
UKNOF 34, Manchester. Slides,
Video version
1, version
- 21st of April, 'Implementing "safe browsing" cost effectively using open
source DNS', UKNOF 34, Manchester. Slides,
Video version
1, version
- 15th of March, 'Three Building Blocks for Trusted Internet Services:
Openness, Privacy and Security', World Hosting Days, Rust, Germany
- 2015
- 19th of November, 'dnsdist - DNS, latency and DoS-aware load balancing', NLUUG
- 12th of November, 'Using DNS for fun and profit', Black Hat Europe 2015, Dark Reading Presentations, Amsterdam
- 4th of November, Startup Grind Rotterdam, on business, startups and innovation
- 8th of October, 'DNS Matters - Why Subscribers are leaving You: Not Measuring your Customer Experience (video)', Open-Xchange Summit 2015, Berlin
- 18th of September, 'Escaping the data center - tales from a recovering
manager', NLNOG Day 2015. Video, slides
- 7th of June, 'Startups and -downs', Yes!Delft Students 1.2.Startup weekend
- 5th of June, Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology - Programming workshop for physics students: skipping the first 20 years
- 3rd of June, TN1661-BN 'Orientation to Physics Research', TU Delft, "How industry looks at physics and bionano students"
- 10th of May, DNS-OARC Spring 2015, Amsterdam - dnsdist - DNS, latency and DoS-aware load balancing. Video.
- 2014
- 2013
- 2nd of August, OHM2013 conference, "Feed the hacker, hack the business! Or, how to make money with open source"
- 31st of July, OHM2013 conference, "What you need to know about what you eat: health & weight"
- June, "How to give a good presentation for hackers, engineers, geeks & scientists", includes video
- 15th of May, RIPE66, Dublin, Ireland. “Implementing Full IPv6 Support: More than Binding to an AF_INET6 Socket”, Video! (Update: but also see A surprising discovery on converting IPv6 addresses: we no longer prefer getaddrinfo())
- 22nd of March, Fox-IT. Eten, hoe werkt het & hoe beïnvloedt het mijn gezondheid. Video
- 2012
- 29th of November, SIDN Relatiedag 2012. Van 27 tot 1.342.465 domeinnamen
met DNSSEC in Nederland: hoe dat komt en wat hebben we geleerd
- 20th of November, Dutch Police / Netherlands Forensic Institute Conference. Presentation available on request
- 23rd of October, Swedish Internet Days, PowerDNS Large Scale DNSSEC Deployments
- 25th of September, DENIC Internet Days, PowerDNS Large Scale DNSSEC Deployments
- 27th of June, ICANN44 in Prague, 'DNSSEC & PowerDNS
Large Scale DNSSEC Deployments' (includes audio)
- 14th of June, VvTP, Physics student body of Delft University of Technology, 'From engineer to entrepreneur, or, "I mastered Quantum Mechanics, but do I have what it takes to start my own
- 25th of May, Thalia, Computer Science student body of Radboud University, 'Modern operating systems'. How we lost the trusted computing base
- 4th of April, Madison Gurkha, Black Hat Sessions Anniversary Edition, On the end of secure computing on general purpose hardware. Partial movie can be found on YouTube.
- 2011
- 15th of November, Govcert cybersecurity congress, "DNSSEC: Reality & Utility - what problems does it solve today"
- 8th of June, World IPv6 day Amsterdam, "Security Aspects of IPv6"
- 27th of May, Eindhoven University, Keynote of the Symposium 50 years of Mathematics & Computer Science, "Science in Software innovation"
- 20th of May, Hack In The Box, "DNSSEC the good, the bad and the ugly"
- 19th of May, SIDN Relatiedag, "DNSSEC zonder (al) te veel moeite", in Dutch, includes video recording
- 2010
- 4th of February, Surfcert/Surfnet Security Conference, on DNS security
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2003
- 5th of September, Swiss Unix Conference, "Quality of Service under Linux: Theory and Use"
- 2002
- 2001