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Nummer: 2008D14736, datum: 2008-11-10, bijgewerkt: 2024-02-19 10:56, versie: 1

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Bijlage bij: Nadere invulling ruimtevaartbeleid en inzet ESA Ministersconferentie (2008D14731)

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Bijlage 5

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ALEX	Autonomous Lunar EXploration

ARTA	Ariane 5 Research and Technology Accompaniment

ARTES	Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems

ARV	Advanced Re-entry Vehicle

ATV	Automated Transfer Vehicle

BNP	Bruto Nationaal Product

CSG	Centre Spacial Guyanaise

CX	ConeXpress

DG	Director General

DTTP	Dutch Transfer of  Technology Programme

EGAS	European Guaranteed Access to Space

EGSE	Electrical Ground Support Equipment

ELIPS	European programme for LIfe and Physical Sciences and applications

                         	utilising the International Space Station

EOEP	Earth Observation Envelope Programme

ESA	European Space Agency

ESP	European Space Policy

ESTeC	European Space Research and Technology Centre

EU	Europese Unie

EUMETSAT 	European Organisation for Meteorological Satellites

FLPP	Future Launcher Preparatory Programme

FM	Flight Model

GCOS	Global Climate Observing System

GMES	Global Monitoring for Environment and Security

GNSS	Global Navigation Satellite System

GO	NWO/SRON Programma Gebruikersondersteuning Ruimteonderzoek

GSC	GMES Space Component

GSE	GMES Service Element

GSTP	General Support Technology Program

HIFI	Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared 

HME	Human spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration

HNF	Hydrazinium NitroFormaat

IAP	Integrated Applications Promotion

IPCC	Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change

ICR	Interdepartementale Commissie Ruimtevaart

ISS	International Space Station

KNAW	Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen

KNMI	Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut

LISA(-PF)	Laser Interferometer Space Antenna(-PathFinder)

MC	ESA MinistersConferentie

MKB	Midden- en Kleinbedrijf

MTFF	Man-Tended Free Flyer

MTG	Meteosat Third Generation

NIVR	Nederlands Instituut voor Vliegtuigontwikkeling en Ruimtevaart

NSO	Netherlands Space Office (werktitel)

NWO	Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek 

OCW	Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap

OMI	Ozone Monitoring Instrument 

PEP	Pre-kwalificatie ESA-Programma’s 

PI	Principal Investigator

PIPP	PI Preparatory Programme

S-5	Sentinel-5

SCIAMACHY	Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric

SCOE	Special CheckOut Equipment

SPICA	Space Infrared Telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics

SRON	Netherlands Institute for Space Research

SSA	Space Situational Awareness

TROPOMI	TROPospheric Ozone-Monitoring Instrument

TT	Technology Transfer

VBTB	Van Beleidsbegroting Tot Beleidsverantwoording

VenW                Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat

VEPP             	Vega Evolution Preparatory Programme

VERTA	VEga Research and Technology Accompaniment

VROM           	Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en

XEUS               	X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy